Level 2

01.02.22 – 10.04.22
Level 3

Group Stage
09.05.22 – 15.05.22
Level 4

Group Stage
19.05.23 – 20.05.23
Level 5

KO Battles
Competition Details
Wildcard Competition
Date: 01.01.22 – 31.01.22
Form: 90 seconds video / Wildcard Competition
Judges: D-Koy, Dudz, Fayabraz, Hiss, King Inertia, Remix, Zer0
Info: There are 25 Wildcards to win for the European Solo Beatbox Championship. Post your 90s Video on YouTube and include “EBBC Solo Wildcard”. Go to www.beatboxeurope.com and fill out the Wildcard Competition Form. On 13.02.2022 our Judges will announce the Wildcard Winners.
For more information please watch the Video!
Seeding Rounds
Date: 01.02.22 – 10.04.22
Form: 90 seconds video
Judges: Chris Celiz, Colaps, Elisii, KIM, Piratheeban, Scott Jackson, Tom Thum
Info: The 25 Wildcard Winners will now join the 38 national Beatbox Champions. To create equally strong Groups for the later Group Stage Phase. We will create 4 pools based on the performance of the Seeding Round Video.
Pool 1: 1st -16th, Pool 2: 17th – 32nd, Pool 3: 33rd – 48th, Pool 4: 49th – 64th.
For more information please watch the Video
Online Group Stage
Date: 09.05.22 – 15.05.22
Form: Video on Demand 90 seconds / AB-BA / Group Stage
Judges: Alexinho, Gene Shinozaki, Kenny Urban, Napom, River, Skiller, Vocodah, Zede, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA,
Info: By using the VoD Online Battle Format we feel that all artists can showcase their skill in the highest quality without the need for a good internet connection.
We will create 16 Groups of 4 Beatboxers. Every Group includes one Beatboxer from Pool 1, Pool 2, Pool 3, and Pool 4.
All participants will pre-record 9 Videos, each 90 seconds, and send them to Beatbox Europe. The participants Battle by announcing the video they want to be played.
For more information please watch the Video!
Choosing the Judges
The 16 participants who qualified for the Live Event can now vote and choose, who will be the judges for the Live Event in Graz. From the 29 active Judges in the online phase, the 16 participants will vote who will be the 7 Judges for the live event.
Live Group Stage
Date: 19.05.23 – 20.05.23
Form: 90 seconds / AB-BA / Group Stage
Info: The 16 participants will be split into 4 groups of 4. Every participant will battle everyone in their group once in a 90-second AB-BA System Battle.
Every vote/point the participant collects in the Group Stage Battles will be added together, which will result in the final score of the participant.
For more information please watch the Video!
Live KO Battle
Date: 20.05.23
Form: 90 seconds / AB-BA / KO Tournament
Info: The top 8 competitors will battle in a KO Tournament for the Title of European Solo Beatbox Champion.
For more information please watch the Video!
Online Group Stage - 09.05.22 – 15.05.22
ℹ️ About the Online Group Stage:
The Online Group Stage will be a 16 Group, Video on Demand, AB-BA, 1on1 Battle.
In all 16 groups, there will be a Beatboxer drawn from each tier and put into the group. This means every group will contain a Beatboxer from Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4. by doing this, we will have equally strong and fair groups.
Tier 1: 1st -16th, Tier 2: 17th – 32nd, Tier 3: 33rd – 48th and Tier 4: 49th – 64th.
All participants will battle every other participant in their group once, in an AB-BA Battle.
At the start of the battle, a coin flip will decide which Beatboxer will be A and which one will be B.
Beatboxer A announces which one of their 9 Videos shall be played. After that, Beatboxer B will announce which one of their 9 Videos shall be played.
At the end of the Online Group Stage, the top 2 from each group will face one final Battle. Every first placed participant will face one second-placed participant from another group.
The winners of this Battle are the final Top 16 Beatboxers who will be invited to the European Beatbox Championship Live Event in Graz/Austria.
After each round, the judges will make a decision and announce which Beatboxer received their points. In the second round, Beatboxer B is starting and Beatboxer A can answer this time.
The points received from both rounds determine the winner of this Battle.
The judges can award 1 point to their chosen winner for each round so 5 votes are up for grabs in each round and 10 overall for the battle.
Example: In round 1 Judges 1 – 3 vote Beatboxer A as winner and Judges 4 & 5 vote Beatboxer B as winner so therefore Beatboxer A takes 3 points and Beatboxer B takes 2 from round 1.
In round 2 Judge 1 votes Beatboxer A as winner and Judges 2 – 5 vote Beatboxer B as winner so therefore Beatboxer A takes 1 points and Beatboxer B takes 4 from round 2.
Overall Beatboxer A takes 4 points and Beatboxer B takes 6 points for that battle which are added to their overall group stage score.
Every single point received from the judges during the group stage will be added together to your final score in the group stage.
Live Event
No, the plan is for winner of the European Beatbox Championship to bring the Championship into their Country for the next Event.
Yes, more detailed Information will follow soon.
We follow strict laws of the Country in which the Championship will be held. We suggest to look up the Youth Protection Act at the official Government Sites for the respective country.
- Albania
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finnland
- France
- Germany
- Georgia
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kosovo
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
The most recent national Solo Beatbox, Female (if applicable) Champion and Vice Champion from 2019 to 2021.
There are a few criteria for National Championship to make it an official pre-qualifying Event for the European Championships.
The Official National Championship can be held online or live.
- Min. 16 participants.
- Min. 3 Judges.
- Must be an official National Championship event.
- Videos of at least the Semi-Finals & Finals must be viewable on a public accessible Video Platform such as YouTube.
Please confirm with your National Championships if you are qualified.
EBBC 22 Wildcards
The Wildcard content (minus a spoken introduction) can be up to 90 seconds + 5 seconds tolerance. If the beatboxing of the Wildcard goes over this time the Wildcard Entry won’t be accepted.
Basic Equalising, Compression & Reverb is allowed. Any video entries with any other audio processing will not be accepted.
Start your video by saying “This is my wildcard for the European Beatbox Championships 2022”
Record your Wildcard following the timing guidelines of 90 seconds (+5 seconds tolerance)
Name your video how you like but make sure it includes “EBBC 2022 Wildcard” in the title.
You can upload the video on any YouTube Channel of your choice as long as it follows the timing guidelines.
Name your video how you like but make sure it includes “EBBC 2022 Wildcard” in the title.
Once your entry is uploaded to YouTube please visit www.beatboxeurope.com and click JOIN on the homepage underneath the Wildcard Competition timer.
Fill out the form to complete your registration for the European Beatbox Championships 2022.
If you have any questions regarding your submission please email contact@beatboxeurope.com